Track and Field
Registration for the 2025 spring season is now closed. Registration for the 2026 season will open in December.
age group/divisions
8U | Gremlin | 2017-2018 | 7 or 8 |
9-10 | Bantam | 2015-2016 | 9 or 10 |
11-12 | Junior or Mid | 2013-2014 | 11 or 12 |
13-14 | Youth | 2011-2012 | 13 or 14 |
15 - 16 | Intermediate | 2009-2010 | 15 or 16 |
Practices will start the week of February 3, 2025. Practices are typically 2-3 evenings per week and run about an hour to and hour and a half, depending on the age group. Practice windows are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM. Most of our practices take place at Newbury Park High School but will, on occasion, be moved off-site to accommodate High School events. Age Group and Distance coaches will communicate specific days for their respective teams.
There will be 7 regular-season meets beginning, Saturday March 8. Meets are on Saturdays starting at 8:30 AM unless otherwise communicated. Post-season meets will take place on May 3 and May 10.
BK Sports is our uniform vendor for the 2025 season. The uniform style will remain the same so if your athlete has a uniform from a prior season that fits, you will not need to purchase a new one. Please visit to view uniform styles and prices. Both traditional "loose" fit and the compression "snug" fit will be available. Please be aware that, once purchased, uniforms CANNOT be returned or exchanged so we highly recommend visiting BK Sports at 3773 Old Conejo Road in Newbury Park to see sizing in person. Once ordered, you will be notified when uniforms are ready for pickup in the store. NPTC does not carry inventory of extra uniforms.
The Newbury Park Track Club is run entirely by volunteers. In order to ensure that practices and meets run safely and efficiently, and to give all parents the opportunity to support their athletes and enjoy some time during each meet as spectators, we divide the workload among all participating families.
Each NPTC family is required to sign up for a minimum of three volunteer shifts (approximately 3 hours per shift) each season or serve in a full season volunteer assignment.
The volunteer commitment is per family and failure to fulfill the requirement will result in a $250.00 fine being charged to the form of payment used at registration. Families that meet or exceed the minimum volunteer commitment will not incur this charge.
Please note: All post-season meets will be handled independently of the regular season requirement. Families with an athlete participating in these meets are required to volunteer and failure to do so will result in a $250 fine. Sign-ups for volunteer positions at these meets will be handled separately.
If you have any questions, please email
Code of Conduct
In order to ensure safety and a positive experience for all, parents, athletes & volunteers must adhere to the following:
- Demonstrate respect for teammates, opponents, coaches, and officials.
- Come prepared and on time for practice and meets.
- No hitting, rough housing, or violation of personal space will be tolerated.
- Throwing objects is prohibited.
- No climbing of fences, bleachers, or equipment.
- Property and equipment must not be defaced.
- Alcoholic beverages and tobacco are prohibited.
- Swearing is prohibited.
- Only Newbury Park Track Club staff, coaches, and athletes are allowed on the track during practice.
In addition, parents and other adults are required to adhere to the following:
Setting a good example for the athletes involved in our program is much more important than the outcome of any of the races and field events conducted during the season. Parents should approach our program with the attitude that it is conducted by unpaid volunteers for the benefit of all the kids including theirs. Newbury Park Track Club follows conduct guidelines set forth by our governing Conference (VCYTC), and that VCYTC’s rules of conduct for competition apply in any and all Newbury Park Track Club sponsored functions.
Those not adhering to the rules will be warned by the NPTC staff. In the case of athlete misbehavior, the coach and/or the NPTC Board President will attempt to discuss the matter with the athlete's parents. To ensure the safety of the other athletes, any violation of the rules above could result in suspension and/or expulsion from the NPTC program. In such a case, no refunds will be issued.
Spring 2025
The season starts with practices the week of February 3rd and will finish with our Awards Picnic on May 15th.
Cost: $165 per athlete + a $250 volunteer deposit.
Volunteer deposit is per family and will be returned at the end of the season when volunteer obligations are met (see Volunteer Refund Policy for details.)
Multi-child Families: One parent/guardian should enter ALL children under the same account.